Flower Picking is multi-channel video installation That reappropriates military footage, propaganda, and violence. Viewers of the installation would be exposed to moving imagery that has been altered and remade with bright flowers.
In our society that is overstimulated with digital media what happens to the consumer when we are inundated with repeated images of suffering. This was an idea that was discussed in Hito Steyerl’s essay The Spam of the Earth. Where he explains the dangers of the medium and pictorial representation and how it slowly chips away on the human psyche( Eleey 157).

Moving images can become dangerous, especially when they depict violence and displays of power. Flower Picking seeks to disrupt these simulations of suffering by transforming each pixel, creating new images where the source footage becomes a world of dancing flowers. This new world of altered images lays to rest the perpetual replay of violent images that contribute to a digital universe of suffering.

Works cited:
Eleey, Peter, et al. Barbara Kruger: Thinking of You, I Mean Me, I Mean You. Edited by Peter Eleey, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2021. Pp 157-159